Confessions of a CHEAT MEAL HALL PASS

What is a Hall Pass?

If you guys watched the movie "the Hall Pass" yo would know it is about a group of married guys that get a week off from their wives without any consequences.

In regards to my particular situation I am going to explain how my Cheat Meal Hall Pass works. For those of you who do not think I eat junk food, hang on to your keyboards.

First of all, I am going to say that every week I was allowed a cheat meal right up to my show. Some people made comments about me being deprived of the joys of life. Well to those, sorry to dissapoint you because such wasn't the case.

Again stating my point of and contrary to what people think, you do not have to deprive yourself out of the things you love to eat or drink in order to reach your personal goals. I guess its easier for people to believe this is NOT POSSIBLE. Oh well...


After a period of 4 - 6 months of commitment to jumping on a stage, the day after the show is a HALL PASS DAY, meaning anything that I can eat, I will eat. Other than causing myself an indigestion, stomach pain, or diarrhea (not that you need to know of this) nothing of the junk food that I eat will stick to my body.

I would need to do further research in order to explain the chemical processes of the body, but after my last 3 shows such has been the case, anything that I have managed to eat, my body has let go of.


Because you are jacked/ripped/fit and you can walk into any junk food joint and eat junk food while people stare at you and wonder on what drugs you are to look like that and still be able to eat this junk.

It is also the only day(s) of the year that you can justify your right to eat this crap :) I am a junk food lover for any of those who didn't know. Most people that are passionate about bodybuilding are very passionate about food in general... all kinds of food, the GOOD, the BAD, and the UGLY too. 


I started with 2 Wendy's hamburgers post show: A Baconator and A Spicy Chicken. I used to be able to down 2 of these no problem, so I went for it. To my surprise I could only get through 1 and a half and took the other half to the hotel with me and literally forced it down. I must say after not eating these for 4 months it felt like plastic was going down my intestines.... delicious plastic needless to say.

Most of you have probably seen the following experiment so I am not surprised, lol

I kept snacking on jelly beans until I fell asleep.

Upon waking up I ate a cream cheese filled bagel with a large double double. At the airport I came accross Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory and got 2 big loaded cookies for the airplane ride.

Back at home I downed a pepperoni pizza from Sotney's and got home and ate 4 servings of cereal with 4 tbsp of mexican Dulce de Leche.

After, I snacked on peanut butter cup goodies made from my good friend and I had big plans of eating a big pasta dinner, but my tummy wasn't up to it by then. Thankfully I was saved by a tbsp of baking soda diluted in a warm glass of water.


Junk food stimulates chemical responses in the brain, much like some drugs do, which make us feel good, at least during the immediate period of ingestion.  Not only because they taste so good but also because of these chemical reactions they can easily become addictive! Just look at our society.

Woke up today with a lot of cravings and as much as I love junk I love my body more now and I owe it to my hard work to move forward with my goals as opposed to backwards. Things have changed, I do not let food control me any more. I have outgrown my old self.

I am still waiting on contest results before I officially celebrate and go on to narrate my complete experience. Today is a day where I dedicate to mentally dealing with strong positive and negative emotions out of this whole process and sit down and write about what I want to create in my future.



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