Have you found your shinny bright new 2019 self?

2019 is NOW and its 12 days old.

It's about time we have fully stepped into our bright and shinny renewed powerful selves and running at full steam to conquer the world and all of our goals!

But wait a second, instead you might be sitting in front of a journal or a computer like me trying to process why you haven't got your shit together and starting to feel your legs heavy as lead as they sink into the snow while the massive snowball from 2018 that you did not manage to dissolve is about to bury you and suffocate you for good and forever.

In this moment you feel alone and uninspired to share your redundant underachieving old self . . . and since this vibe doesn't jibe with the online social trend of looking chill, spiritual, overachievingly entrepreneurial, full of makeup and flexing selfies of a super hot body you magically managed to maintain over the most socially active holidays of the year, you instead opt to numb yourself by scrolling up, swiping right, or watching endless hours of Netflix.

Let's cut the poop emoji.

We like to imagine that crossing the invisible veil from Dec 31st 2018 into January 1st, 2019 is going to magically infuse us with a renewed sense of self and we will be inundated with a burst of energy to take inspired action and instead you realize you were feeling so much more like this on December 10th than you do so now.

I have just arrived home from a  trip of 21 days I took to my motherland in Mexico. It was supposed to be an amazing trip and it was in many aspects. However, physically and mentally I was caught by surprise that as of January my physical body started to experience some health setbacks that have sipped some despair into my mind, resulting now in me being 12 days late in stepping into my bright and shinny and powerful and renewed 2019 self.

I had a marvelous conversation with my good friend Joshua Cassidy last night where I shared my concerns regarding this situation and he shared some of his experiences in turning the page over as well.

He said to me, "All we have to do is be who we are and stop worrying about being our powerful selves, which can feel very overwhelming if you are not feeling that way. When you show up and you do what you do, the rest works itself out and maybe we will find the feeling again, however that is irrelevant right now."

If you happen to fall into the new year late bloomer category join me in taking a chill pill right now. We are not supposed to be, do or have anything achieved or even figured out. Remember that some of the biggest breakthroughs and changes you have created or attracted in your life haven't necessarily arrived in January.

Give your fluffy literal and metaphorical insides a big hug by doing one and only one thing for yourself that warms your heart this weekend. Here are some ideas:

- write your own version of this post on your preferred social media outlet to process it
- take that book you've been wanting to read to a coffee shop and buy your favourite drink
- treat your eyes to Aquaman
- colour a mandala
- give someone you love a phone call and ask how their new year is going
- walk on the treadmill for 20-30 min to the beat of your favourite songs
- take a friend to your favourite restaurant for dinner
- make some popcorn and stay home and watch a movie with your cat
- take a nice hot epson salt bath and use those essential oils you've been saving for a special ocassion

To finding our new 2019 selves soon amigos.

Right Leg Front Reach on the Acapulco Beach, January 2019


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