New One: Journey No. 3
Hello 2012!
I would like to start by admitting to you and to myself that it took me 3 tries, both for continuing with this blog and for really committing to achieve my goal. I am about a month and a half and going strong on both my workout and nutrition plan . . . and 4 more months to go!
I have never in my life had the body I want. And for those of you who know me, I know, I know, you must be saying "Bah, she should shut up!" Honestly, I can't complain, but in all truth, I have never been 100% happy with my body.
There have been a couple of occasions in my life when I have gotten very fit and shed away the extra fat, but even then, I wasn't happy yet. Needless to say, I have also been on the completely opposite extreme: overweight, lazy and depressed. And if you did not see me at this point it was because I was hiding!
With the realization that I have never had the body I want, came another realization. There have been some moments in my life as well that I have worked my ass off to try and reach the perfect body. I was seriously doing everything I knew to get there: eating healthy and having working balance between cardio and weights, and sleeping lots of course. Actually I had been investing myself in this healthy routine pretty much for the past year after I started working as a personal trainer.
Yes I could see some changes, but why in the nine hells was it taking so long!?
I have never have the body I wanted but after this 1 month and half of competition prep I have the best body I have ever had in my life! So, as I did, you are probably wondering what happened? I believe the difference was that I went with someone who knows a hell of a lot more than I do.
I learned this on my very first transformation working with Anita Kus-Roberts, successful figure competitor whom I have always admired. While I worked with her a lot of people had their opinions on my plan. But I made the choice to not listen to anyone but her, otherwise how could I know if the plan was working if I wasn't following it 100%?
In other words, how do you know if your diet plan works if you ate 2 cookies on Wednesday. Yes you should wonder if it was those 2 cookies that screwed up the whole week and not that the plan is not working.
"Yeah right 2 cookies, seriously?" Isn't that what you are thinking right now? YES THOSE TWO COOKIES can make you not drop a single pound even though you successfully completed over 28 meals that week!
This time around I had the chance of working with my husband, who definitely also knows a lot of a hell more than I do as well. However we realized that I can't be his wife and client at the same time and for both of our mental sanities I am not working with him. I am working with transformation coach Sean Tierney.
The other thing that I always do and I am practicing again is to stop thinking and questioning and giving my chosen coach my 100%. Yes other people have their opinion about what I am doing and not doing, but my integrity lies with my coach and whatever he says becomes THE LAW.
Soon when I gain enough courage and get over myself I will share with you pictures of my transformation. Meanwhile I have some pieces of advice for you if you are open to learning from others (and other's mistakes as well)
1.- Be patient with yourself, transformation sometimes takes years. It is first mental and second physical.
2.- You are not alone, pretty much 99% of the populations is likely to be not happy with their bodies!
3.- If you are ready to make changes, go to an expert in the field. What could take you 3 years on your own can take you 4 months with someone that knows their stuff. Isn't that insane!!! Take it from me, I am living proof of it.
4.- Give your coach 100%. Other people will always bombard you with their opinions, but your coach is THE LAW. Be patient with the process, it takes time, but your coach knows what he/she is doing (provided that he/she truly is an expert in his field)
5.- Enjoy the ride! Look around there are many interesting people working out as well and to each their own journey.
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