What is a Transformation Journey?

A Transformation Journey, as defined by the writer of this blog, is a conscious decision (a change that happens mentally) to commit and execute a measurable fitness goal (a change that happens physically and/or takes place in the physical world) and that requires to do something different than what you have been doing all your life. As an effect, the individual experiences a mental, physical and sometimes spiritual change in their life.

A transformation journey is composed of 3 elements:

a) GOAL or OBJECTIVE: What is it that you want out of working out. What is your purpose for working out? Why do you do it and why do you continue to do it?
b) The CHALLENGE DATE: This is your deadline. How are you going to know or prove to yourself and/or others that you have reached your goal and by when?
c)The PROCESS: What is required of you to successfully fulfill the goal or challenge? How are you going to achieve this? What is required of you in the realms of knowledge and action to minimize your efforts and maximize your results?

During my consultations I follow a similar structure in an attempt to help people define their goals. Quite often it is shared to me that one of the main reasons women workout is to be healthier and stronger, but they find themselves confused when it comes to defining it in tangible, measurable terms. So let me help you a little bit with an example that follows the structure of our 3 components above:

"My goal is to achieve a high fitness level, where I can feel strong no matter what I do, whether it is running, playing with my kids or carrying grocery bags from my car to my kitchen table. In my commitment to take my fitness to the next level, I have decided to work with a certified trainer 3 times a week, who will teach and guide me through the process, because honestly, I do not know how to use the equipment at my gym and I don't want to hurt myself. I will know that I have achieved my goal if I can participate in the Warrior Dash on July 21st because I believe that race to be a great test of my endurance and strength and I really want to see if I can do it."

If you think about it, pretty much what it comes down to is taking action in the real world to make something happen. However it is important to have an action plan that will guarantee your success and make a definite test of such success.

A Transformation Journey also creates a ripple effect and it will bring changes and people into your life that you never even imagined. You will move and inspire people around you, not because you suggested that they try it for themselves, but because they will see the actual physical and mental changes in you and they will want a piece of it for themselves.

I can speak out of experience and share that out of committing to my first fitness show in October 2010, my life completely changed its course. Out of this experience I had a change of mind and body, health, career, income and I have met more than 30 people that are currently playing a significant role in the course of my life. And it doesn't stop yet. The ripple effect of the journey I took in 2010 is still impacting my life here and now in 2012. How powerful is that!

What is it that you want in your life? What is something that you have seen on TV or you have seen someone you know do that causes that tingling sensation deep inside your chest or that brings tears to your eyes and makes your throat tighten up? What is that thing that you really wanted to do, but forgot about or thought you were never going to be good enough, strong enough?

Dare to take a journey and seek an experience that can bring incredible changes into your life. Start sharing it, for instance share it with us, since we would love to hear from you. Share it with everyone around you, see what their reactions are. You will surely find people who will laugh at you and tell you that you are crazy, but you will also find (and make sure you keep) the people that support you and hold you accountable to your process and goal, and to your surprise, might even join you in the journey!

I invite you to fill out this structure and share it with us. We would love to hear what your GOAL, CHALLENGE DATE and PROCESS is! Do not be afraid to speak out your goals and expectations out loud. Do not be afraid to play with the idea and see yourself doing things that you never thought you would do. When we start speaking out loud about our hopes and wishes we are taking the first steps to their manifestations. The more you hear yourself say it out loud, the more tangible these things will appear to you.

We are here, waiting to hear what sort of journey you have decided to take on.


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