Fitness Athlete Interview: Annmarie Laverloo
Meet Annemarie Laverloo.
Meeting Annemarie for the first time is a very deceiving experience. Initially you will notice that she is in possession of that sexy latina look that many men and women covet, for different reasons. Next as you engage in conversation with her, you come to realize that she is a kindred spirit, beautiful, inside and outside. But it is not until you pay close attention and get the chance to really know her and her her story when you come to the realization that this woman has an unbreakable will made of STEEL.
I am truly excited to feature her as my first interview. What Annemarie doesn't know is that while she was looking up to me for inspiration in her journey, she became a source of inspiration to me as well.
What is your favourite cheat meal? – Pizza and hotsauce !!
What did you first cheated with post-competition?- Reeces Pieces and A burger,
What is your favourite song, the one you just couldn't stop playing while doing your cardio? My favourite cardio song was Taboo by Don Omar
1.- When and where was your latest fitness competition? Was this your first fitness competition? If no, how many fitness shows have you done in the past?
I have competed in two fitness competitions to date. The latest one that I recently competed in was UFE Showdown in London, Ontario. (June 23rd, 2012)
2.- What made you decide to compete in this kind of event in the first place?
I was at work floor walking and picked up a copy of oxygen and flipped to the back and opened it to the future of fitness and saw a girl from Oakville competing. I said to myself if she can do it, I most certainly can myself.
3.- Before the fitness show scene, how has health and fitness been present in your life? (i.e. Did you play any sports in school? Did you or do you practice any other fitness related discipline?)
I never was really into sports when I was in high school. I was more concerned about my policing career. However, I didn’t really do anything to help benefit me in regards to my fitness. That was not until I met my fitness professor who told me I needed to change my lifestyle habits if I wanted to become a police officer. At that point in time I was my heaviest at 200lbs. A year later I lost 30 lbs, and was able to pass my PREP and Shuttle run course required to become a police constable in Ontario.
4.- What were some of the greatest challenges you encountered throughout your contest preparation?
Two of my greatest challenges were to do with my “friends” and my family. Friends the first time around, they did not understand the whole process. I noticed that they became extremely jealous and unsupportive. They weren’t bringing me any positivity so I cut them off. Second time around I had a great support group, my friends , family and coach pushed me like no other. Unfortunately, I experienced a devastating blow. My father tried to commit suicide and I had found him. This was all during my competition prep. I chose to use this time to focus on my workouts and to leave what I was dealing with in life behind and push through my pain. It has made me a stronger person and a better athlete.
5.- What was the easiest thing and what was the hardest thing about contest prep?
Going to the gym, I loved being there, the atmosphere and the feeling you get after you’ve completed your workout.
6.- Can you share with us some of the positive and negative effects that competing has brought into your life?
Positive- I’ve inspired a lot of people and I have had my inspirations, my coach, other competitors, tell me how proud they are of me. That is my fuel!
7.- Is there anything about doing a fitness show that you didn't know or caught you completely by surprise as you lived the experience?
The amount of dedication and discipline it takes to get stage ready. It is a lot of hard work and takes a lot of guts to step out on stage. I have a lot of respect and admiration for competitors.
8.- What would you tell someone considering in doing their first fitness show?
Invest in a coach , practice posing and talk to other competitors !
9.- Are you planning on doing more shows in the future? If so, why do you want to keep competing?
HECK YES !!! I want to eventually get my Pro Card and prove to people that EVEN working full time and pursuing a career in policing ANYTHING is possible.
10.- Have you ever been asked "is this good for your health?" If yes, what do you usually reply?
I say yes ! Then I ask people is it good to be drinking or smoking ? Catches them off guard.
11.- Is there someone in particular that you would like to acknowledge in helping you throughout this journey?
OMAR, ALEJANDRA , JENNIFER WATT , JULIA EMMANUELE AND MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY. You are my role models, you BELIEVED in my when no one else did, you make me want to be a better athlete, you make me want to achieve my goals and endeavours. I LOVE YOU ALLL SO MUCH.
Thank you Annemarie, for sharing your story. I am sure you will be a source of inspiration for other women out there. And to leave you all with this amazing shot from Chris Linton, where he has captured how Anne's hard work paid off, after all, who doesn't want to be surrounded by all those good looking ..... muslces? :)
Meeting Annemarie for the first time is a very deceiving experience. Initially you will notice that she is in possession of that sexy latina look that many men and women covet, for different reasons. Next as you engage in conversation with her, you come to realize that she is a kindred spirit, beautiful, inside and outside. But it is not until you pay close attention and get the chance to really know her and her her story when you come to the realization that this woman has an unbreakable will made of STEEL.
I am truly excited to feature her as my first interview. What Annemarie doesn't know is that while she was looking up to me for inspiration in her journey, she became a source of inspiration to me as well.
What is your favourite cheat meal? – Pizza and hotsauce !!
What did you first cheated with post-competition?- Reeces Pieces and A burger,
What is your favourite song, the one you just couldn't stop playing while doing your cardio? My favourite cardio song was Taboo by Don Omar
1.- When and where was your latest fitness competition? Was this your first fitness competition? If no, how many fitness shows have you done in the past?
I have competed in two fitness competitions to date. The latest one that I recently competed in was UFE Showdown in London, Ontario. (June 23rd, 2012)
2.- What made you decide to compete in this kind of event in the first place?
I was at work floor walking and picked up a copy of oxygen and flipped to the back and opened it to the future of fitness and saw a girl from Oakville competing. I said to myself if she can do it, I most certainly can myself.
3.- Before the fitness show scene, how has health and fitness been present in your life? (i.e. Did you play any sports in school? Did you or do you practice any other fitness related discipline?)
I never was really into sports when I was in high school. I was more concerned about my policing career. However, I didn’t really do anything to help benefit me in regards to my fitness. That was not until I met my fitness professor who told me I needed to change my lifestyle habits if I wanted to become a police officer. At that point in time I was my heaviest at 200lbs. A year later I lost 30 lbs, and was able to pass my PREP and Shuttle run course required to become a police constable in Ontario.
4.- What were some of the greatest challenges you encountered throughout your contest preparation?
Two of my greatest challenges were to do with my “friends” and my family. Friends the first time around, they did not understand the whole process. I noticed that they became extremely jealous and unsupportive. They weren’t bringing me any positivity so I cut them off. Second time around I had a great support group, my friends , family and coach pushed me like no other. Unfortunately, I experienced a devastating blow. My father tried to commit suicide and I had found him. This was all during my competition prep. I chose to use this time to focus on my workouts and to leave what I was dealing with in life behind and push through my pain. It has made me a stronger person and a better athlete.
5.- What was the easiest thing and what was the hardest thing about contest prep?
Going to the gym, I loved being there, the atmosphere and the feeling you get after you’ve completed your workout.
6.- Can you share with us some of the positive and negative effects that competing has brought into your life?
Positive- I’ve inspired a lot of people and I have had my inspirations, my coach, other competitors, tell me how proud they are of me. That is my fuel!
7.- Is there anything about doing a fitness show that you didn't know or caught you completely by surprise as you lived the experience?
The amount of dedication and discipline it takes to get stage ready. It is a lot of hard work and takes a lot of guts to step out on stage. I have a lot of respect and admiration for competitors.
8.- What would you tell someone considering in doing their first fitness show?
Invest in a coach , practice posing and talk to other competitors !
9.- Are you planning on doing more shows in the future? If so, why do you want to keep competing?
HECK YES !!! I want to eventually get my Pro Card and prove to people that EVEN working full time and pursuing a career in policing ANYTHING is possible.
10.- Have you ever been asked "is this good for your health?" If yes, what do you usually reply?
I say yes ! Then I ask people is it good to be drinking or smoking ? Catches them off guard.
11.- Is there someone in particular that you would like to acknowledge in helping you throughout this journey?
OMAR, ALEJANDRA , JENNIFER WATT , JULIA EMMANUELE AND MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY. You are my role models, you BELIEVED in my when no one else did, you make me want to be a better athlete, you make me want to achieve my goals and endeavours. I LOVE YOU ALLL SO MUCH.
Thank you Annemarie, for sharing your story. I am sure you will be a source of inspiration for other women out there. And to leave you all with this amazing shot from Chris Linton, where he has captured how Anne's hard work paid off, after all, who doesn't want to be surrounded by all those good looking ..... muslces? :)
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