Time Over Matter

Progress is inevitable, and most certainly if you are not progressing forward you are falling behind, because time never stops.

See, all we truly have in this life is time, everything else is a result of what we chose or chose not to do with it. How your body looks, how much money you have, what kind of house, car, clothes you have, how many meaningful friendships you can count on are all a result of how you have chosen to spend your time.

Over my past 30 years I have wasted a lot of time. I have wasted my time complaining, procrastinating, questioning, whining, fighting and there are various areas of my life I have done a bunch of these on.

Only just 3 years ago I had a turning point in my life, a wake-up call of sorts, and since then I stopped wasting my time when it came to my body and what I wanted to look and feel like. Ever since then and with the help of my biggest mentors, my husband and my competition coach, along with other meaningful people in my workplace, I have sponged up every single piece of knowledge I have come across as far as body composition transformation.

Not only that, I have chosen to execute my action plans (nutrition and training) with a 150% commitment. Literally, the 100% refers to my execution of it and the 50% refers to my attitutde towards it, meaning I have chosen to do this willingly happy and without whining, trust me it makes a huge difference.

Some people have told me to stop wasting so much time at the gym and do what I am meant to do: art. What these people do not understand is that what I do is a form of art and from there is where my fulfillment and sense of accomplishment come from. Bodybuidling is an art, it is the art of shaping one's body through time with nutrition and training. Everyone that goes to a gym is a body builder of sorts. So stop pointing you fingers at those "bodybuilders"

I have seldomly shared personal pictures as of late, with people behaving like irresponsible little kids with their opinions over the social media it had really turned me off in sharing some of my personal journey. However I do not want to live my life dictated by this. There are some other amazing people out there that have supported my whole journey and that have become inspired by it. Motivation goes both ways trust me.

So I want to share my progress as I might take on the stage yet again this year in the GTA area.

Fun fact about this picture: Person on the right weights 6 lbs less and is 1 clothing size less, yet appears to be bigger. This due to reduced body fat, which accentuates muscle curves and the trimming of the waist which makes the shoulder and hip section appear as bigger, that combined with an improved angle through posing. When I am wearing jeans and a long sleeve light sweater people do not believe I am a "bodybuilder"

They say weight loss is never linear, or body transformation for that matter, but all I can say is that by doing it right over the past 3 years, I am coming as close as possible to smooth and linear as you can get. And to prove that I have been doing it the healthy way, let me tell you every time I do it my body responds better and faster (contrary to a certain ugly myth I heard out there that every time people compete in shows its tougher to do it and ruins their metabolism - ehhh sorry, but this doesn't happen if you are doing it the right and healthy way)

That being said, whether you are someone competing for the first time or have been doing it quite a bit, if you care enough about your body and your health, continue to educate yourself and do not fall into quick fixes just so you can jump on stage. This is both an art and a science and it takes time, money and education to do it properly.

Progress is inevitable and time is all you truly got, our minds are but a tool we are given to make use of the time we are granted in this life. Use your time wisely.


  1. Que maravillosas cosas dices y te felicito !!! Eres una persona muy exitosa. Te queremos mucho y que buenos consejos !!!!


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