Have you ever repeated a word out loud over and over again until it sounds meaningless and silly? I want you to use the word "connect" and try that right now. Hopefully no one is around to think that you finally have lost your mind.

Now, do it with the word FAT. I dare you.

I am going to use the word FAT so much in this post that it will lose its meaning, the same way it did for you seconds ago if you actually tried my little game.

What did you feel when you first started repeating it? I personally feel uneasy and very self conscious when I come across that word during my day. WHY?

I believe we have empowered the word FAT a little too much these days. We fear it, we hate it, we use it to insult and wrong ourselves and others, we fill it with negative connotation and implicit discrimination.

The Venus of Willendorf

In ancient times what we call FAT used to be a symbol of feminine power, a source of life, something worth of Worship (yes with an upper case "W"). In case you don't know why go ahead and do some research on "The Venus of Willendorf"

Nevertheless we are not in ancient times, where the survival of our species depended on how much fat we could store in our bodies as women, or on how much food would be hunted or gathered by men.

And even though our social structures have changed at a mind blasting ratio, our bodies haven't, so in truth we have a tendency to easily store fat (generally speaking)

We all have a FAT person inside of us. Here is mine:

And by FAT I mean:
- the heaviest that YOU/I have ever been
- the unhealthiest that YOU/I have ever been
- the unfittest that YOU/I have ever been
- the most let go of yourself that YOU/I have ever allowed yourself
regardless of anyone else's opinion

I have come to LOVE my FAT self. Without her, I wouldn't be who I am today. She is my proof that I survived dark times and I can do it over and over again. She keeps me grounded. She is the reminder of my feminine power, my ancient goddess, my survival instinct. I respect her and I fear her. She is my Venus of Willendorf, my ancient sacred idol.  Call me FAT today and I will thank you for that, as you are calling me for my inner goddess name, the name of my inner power.

If you had the guts to talk to "that fit person" in your gym, I bet you you could come to learn about their old FAT self and get yourself empowered in whatever is that you are trying to achieve. About 70% of fit people have an amazing FAT story to tell.

Fit people are NOT BORN, they are MADE.


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