Day 5 and 6: Breaking the Fall

So yes, there was a downfall on the weekend. It started as a small snowball on Saturday but instead of picking it up I just let it roll down into Sunday until it became a bigger ball, bigger downfall.

I used to say: if you are going to fall off the wagon with your nutrition, fall hard and enjoy it. Well, let me tell you I have mixed feelings in regards to this weekend. I did fall hard and I had a breakdown as all I could think of is how I threw off the window the investment (time, money and effort) I had put throughout the previous week in getting myself on track.

It wasn't guilt or self hatred or sadness. I felt anger. I felt like I was not only letting myself down this time, but also all of you that I am trying to support as well.

I feel and I hope that the more integrity, honesty and consistency I put into this plan and this blog, the more anyone who reads it, who is ready to make the change for themselves, is likely to be inspired and succeed.

After half an hour of dealing with my whirling thoughts. I decided to put the past on the past and jump back in the wagon.

Monday: nutrition in check and check for workout
Tuesday: nutrition in check, check for cardio and check for blogpost.

Every upcoming meal and every single day is an opportunity to jump back into the wagon, don't keep letting it pass you by. If you let it long enough it might be too late to catch that train. Your life is NOW!


  1. You are only human. Don't beat yourself up. I know you miss me and i will be back thursday to kick your butt. Head up your doing great

  2. Lol, yes I miss you, it feels like forever!!! You have to make me do my pull-ups tomorrow too :)


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