Of Catalysts and Metamorphosis
As defined by the online Merriam-Webster dictionary:
Catalyst: an agent that provokes or speeds significant change or action.
Metamorphosis: change of physical form, structure, or substance especially by supernatural means; a striking alteration in appearance, character, or circumstances

Today, Transformation Journeys would like to acknowledge an ordinary woman who decided to take on an extraordinary journey. Endings are nothing but new beginnings. As Lynn, mother of 2 and artistic cake maker, is close to the end of her metamorphosis, she is ready to start sharing her story and inspire others.
During our first 6 appointments I got to know Lynn as a firmly determined woman. I knew that whether things were going right or wrong, she would stick to the plan.
She shared with me how far she wanted to take this journey, which was exactly what she believed was in her possibilities to achieve. To her surprise, I responded by proposing her to train with me for a full year, along with a couple of outrageous challenges. To my surprise, she accepted my offer, and as we shook hands, we sealed the beginning of a journey that neither her nor me could have foreseen.
To help you understand how a relationship in a shared journey (coach - client) works I want to point out an analogy. Imagine Lynn and I jump in a car in Oakville Ontario and we decide to drive to Mexico City. CRAZY! Yes, that is precisely what 10 months ago looked to both of us when we first spoke about the terms of our agreement and the journey that lay ahead of us.
The roles however, were clearly established since the beginning. Lynn's job was to drive the car and be aware of the performance of the car. My job was to read the map and tell her the fastest and safest route to get to Mexico City.
And if you have ever taken a road trip with friends or family, you know that the relationship fluctuates and spikes and curves, just like the road does. Ours has been no different.
Honesty and open communication were key in our journey. Along our journey there was a moment where I, as a coach, could not figure out what was the best route to keep our journey under schedule. Trust me it is not an easy thing to admit to your client that you feel lost and you don't know where to go either, but my integrity to my client stands above my ego and insecurities.
I spoke to Lynn about it and proposed her to pick up another traveler with more experience to help us both. She gladly agreed. At about 3/4 of the way, we picked up Omar Arvizu to help us make it to Mexico. The rest of the story is yet to be written.
I want to give Lynn full credit for her amazing transformation, since she did all the driving in our journey.We could not have gone this far if she had not wanted to. Her metamorphosis is and has always been fully her responsibility and her work. As a catalyst, my role and Omar's role was solely to speed up the process.
Lynn has agreed to participate in an interview to be shared through this media in order for all of us to have more insight into her metamorphosis process. Coming soon!
Catalyst: an agent that provokes or speeds significant change or action.
Metamorphosis: change of physical form, structure, or substance especially by supernatural means; a striking alteration in appearance, character, or circumstances
Meet Lynn:
"Here is what courage and determination looks like to me- 42lbs lost and killer abs!"
Today, Transformation Journeys would like to acknowledge an ordinary woman who decided to take on an extraordinary journey. Endings are nothing but new beginnings. As Lynn, mother of 2 and artistic cake maker, is close to the end of her metamorphosis, she is ready to start sharing her story and inspire others.
During our first 6 appointments I got to know Lynn as a firmly determined woman. I knew that whether things were going right or wrong, she would stick to the plan.
She shared with me how far she wanted to take this journey, which was exactly what she believed was in her possibilities to achieve. To her surprise, I responded by proposing her to train with me for a full year, along with a couple of outrageous challenges. To my surprise, she accepted my offer, and as we shook hands, we sealed the beginning of a journey that neither her nor me could have foreseen.
To help you understand how a relationship in a shared journey (coach - client) works I want to point out an analogy. Imagine Lynn and I jump in a car in Oakville Ontario and we decide to drive to Mexico City. CRAZY! Yes, that is precisely what 10 months ago looked to both of us when we first spoke about the terms of our agreement and the journey that lay ahead of us.
The roles however, were clearly established since the beginning. Lynn's job was to drive the car and be aware of the performance of the car. My job was to read the map and tell her the fastest and safest route to get to Mexico City.
And if you have ever taken a road trip with friends or family, you know that the relationship fluctuates and spikes and curves, just like the road does. Ours has been no different.
Honesty and open communication were key in our journey. Along our journey there was a moment where I, as a coach, could not figure out what was the best route to keep our journey under schedule. Trust me it is not an easy thing to admit to your client that you feel lost and you don't know where to go either, but my integrity to my client stands above my ego and insecurities.
I spoke to Lynn about it and proposed her to pick up another traveler with more experience to help us both. She gladly agreed. At about 3/4 of the way, we picked up Omar Arvizu to help us make it to Mexico. The rest of the story is yet to be written.
I want to give Lynn full credit for her amazing transformation, since she did all the driving in our journey.We could not have gone this far if she had not wanted to. Her metamorphosis is and has always been fully her responsibility and her work. As a catalyst, my role and Omar's role was solely to speed up the process.
Lynn has agreed to participate in an interview to be shared through this media in order for all of us to have more insight into her metamorphosis process. Coming soon!
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