8 - 1/3: A battle has been won - Cancer awareness week continues

I should say, something very interesting started happening since I decided I was going to dedicate this week to cancer awareness.

First of all, after months of not seeing any Twitter and Facebook cancer related posts, all of a sudden this week, from various sources I was seeing the theme come up. You could wonder if maybe the "internet spiders" pick up on key words and choose to bombard my social media with related information, but the way this information has come up, makes me think otherwise.

Second, shortly after I had written the article, I received the most wonderful news that someone had just received their tests back and had won their battle against cancer!

All if this has got me deep in thought. Often when I am first meet with people in their initial consultation I ask them to rate both their nutrition and activity levels with a number from 1  - 10 and to tell me what is that they think that they are doing right and what is that they think they are doing wrong.

Yeah, did you notice I use the work "THINK".

"A healthy immune system is able to destroy rogue cells so that they cannot duplicate and grow to form a tumor. Tens of thousands of cancer victims thought that they had led very healthy lives but their cancer proved otherwise."

David J. Getoff, Naturopath and Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist

I often find that what people THINK is healthy, is far from facts. It used to be easier for the generations above us to distinguish healthy and non-healthy, first of all because there wasn't so much processed crap and second because there wasn't so much visual, social, audio, advertising and so many money driven company interest luring us to buy their products.

I am sorry but I am going to have to mention MARGARINE as an example.  How can a man -made artificial product be better than natural fat which our body has been naturally processing for thousands of years, since our hunter gatherer days. Ok, you will tell me it is a better choice over the highly saturated butter fat. Fair enough, like you said it is a CHOICE. But, if you are worried about your health, why not find the exact absolute number of fat content your diet should have to avoid any long term damage to your body?

Ok, you get cravings? Sure we all do. Choose again, your health or your cravings. PERIOD. Its about choices.

Going back to the word THINK. Guess what, this morning I was staring in disbelief at our gym TV's as they were discussing a "Feast and Famine" new diet trend on a morning show. SERIOUSLY? 500 calories for 2 days and then eat whatever you want?

Ok, to be honest I haven't tried it so I have no personal data to be able to provide you facts about this method. My thoughts on the matter are that people are so desperate for a quick fix that they are in danger of falling into the next FAD DIET or FAD TRAINING PROGRAM.

Best programs, like I said before and I always will, are personalized programs, because every individual has individual needs and every individual will progress differently.

If you are thinking about jumping on an extreme short term solution, or just want to become better informed, this is A MUST READ:

Prevent a Slowing Metabolism: Understanding Metabolic Slowdown And Adaptation

Now, back to cancer.

Not being happy with one's body image, lack of energy or intense back pains from sitting at a desk 10 hours a day have sadly proven not to be good enough reasons to get people aware of making better choices in their lives, by including some form of exercise and a healthy nutrition action plan.

What are you waiting for? CANCER or some other type of ailment to start doing something for yourself? What about those people you love and depend on you? Does it have to get to the point where everyone will be affected. If thinking about your personal health hasn't been enough, think about those you love, maybe you will find some source of motivation in doing it for them.

TRUTH IS HARSH. When you are a committed health advocate, sometimes you need to be understanding, sometimes you need to be patient with people, but sometimes you also need to be HARSH.

Lastly I want to announce that a permanent link to the Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance Blog will be added to the side bar. Check often and learn more about this condition, how to prevent it, how to deal with it and what resources are out there for you and for those who you know are fighting like warriors.


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