The Day I Lost My Fat

Meet Timbit.

Timbit is my 20 lbs cat. If I hug Timbit and I jump on the scale my weight is 133, which is precisely what I was the day I started this journey. So today I can say that I approximately lost my cat in body fat.

I am not quite sure at what level my body fat % is right now, since probably the most accurate measurement for this is caliper testing, but based on other equipment that I can access at my working location, I can tell you that I estimate it between 9% and 12%.

Ok, now I am going to make a couple of observations, which are not by any means complaining about having such a low body fat, on the contrary I love the look, although it is in my understanding that its not quite sustainable long term due to optimum health reasons. But let me tell you about this funny observations.

First of all, it feels as if my bones are starting to grind together in several joints, as if there was no padding left in between them. Second it is pretty annoying when you are carrying the laundry basket on your hip, or even trying to sit down on the floor and all you hit is bone. Ouch! Third, in a certain sitting position or twist of the torso, the muscles in the six pack rub or climb against each other causing a very yucky sensation.

See, there is always something... hehehe

However I also lost a different type of fat. As the journey is nearing its end, final tweaks and modifications are being made to both my workouts and my meal plan just to add those finishing touches to the look of my body.

There has been a considerable change in my fat intake.

If you do your basic research regarding the function of fat in your bodies, you will find that fat helps you feel fuller for longer, its necessary for hormonal balance, it is used for construction of skin, hair, nails, etc, provides insulation, etc, etc, bottom line: its essential in your diet.

You know how some people say: "I am so tired its not even funny", well in my case "I am so tired it is actually very funny!"

Yes, I am quite sure that at some point during the day I might trip and fall and make everyone laugh at how ridiculous it will look, or bump into a machine or a person in the gym. I feel as if I am running on the last little drops of coffee that I ingested 3 hours ago which feels as if it were the only fuel that keeps me going. I am chugging water like a camel that knows the world is going to end tomorrow, and well if you saw me after 6pm you would think that I am not being a rational person anymore.

Anyways... I am finding all this pretty amusing.


Big apologies, Monday I had a 15 hr stay and the gym and Tuesday a 12 hr stay. I got home and all I was thinking of was of updating my blog but then I did say "what the hell" and I went to bed at 9pm :). I really needed it.


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