THURSDAY: when things go all wrong...

No matter how much you prepare yourself or how much you plan, sometimes things go wrong and you end up feeling powerless.


I have professionally prepared myself for 1 year and informally for 3 years to be the best trainer I can be. I have 1 year of experience working with over 15 clients of various ages, ability levels, sizes and with many different fitness goals.

To most of them I have been successful in facilitating the achievement of their personal goals and more, and most importantly, to all of them, I have not failed in being patient and continue to believe that they can be who they want to be.

But none of this prepared me work with my brother...

This past weekend, my brother Roco and his girlfriend Allison came over to stay for a night at our home. Roco had asked me to take a look at his food journal since more than 3 weeks ago, a task at which I failed. Roco asked me why had I not put the time in helping him if he was ready to make changes. I immediately lost my temper and told him that he was not ready, because to me being ready meant that he asked for a meal plan, not that he asked for me to take a look at his journal.

I became a monster and immediately started judging him for putting too much into a job that paid him less than minimum wage and required more than 10 hrs a day of his life and proceeded to say that he wasn't ready to begin his fitness journey. As expected, we ended up fighting like brother and sister.

I realized that I was being to Roco everything that I was not with my clients, impatient, impulsive, judgemental, hot headed, aggressive, and saw him not for his potential gain but for his potential failure.

I am mad at myself for this. I failed to be for Roco what he needed me to be at this moment. Not a year of work and not even my most difficult client could prepare me to be who I needed to be. All I can do is try again.

Thankfully Roco's story has a happy ending. Allison, his girl, is a wonderful woman who supports him and has decided to take a fitness journey herself. And from what I can see, this has been a definite factor in getting Roco to consider taking on a journey himself. Also, thankfully, my husband saved the day by asking me to take a step back and letting him work with Roco.


Mentally tired and feeling exhausted, I am still giving my all to my workouts, my meal plan and my job. At some moments I feel like a fire engine full of energy , but at some others, especially lately, I have been caught staring blankly into empty space.

2 days ago, as I was demonstrating a chest press exercise to a client with 15 lbs less than what I usually do mine, the front deltoid of my left shoulder decided to give up. I immediately brought the weights down and proceeded to ice my shoulder for the rest of the night.


But you know what, I refuse to believe this as a negative thing. Call me crazy but since I started this journey I have gotten sick and significantly hurt 4 times now and I still believe this is part of a bigger plan.

When I started all this,around October, all I kept asking from the universe was to get me to look the best I could ever look the day I jumped on stage. No matter how hard I have tried to stick to my plan and how many precautions I have taken, there have been various moments, such as my injury moments, that have deviated me from it.

Whenever such a thing happened I had two choices:
1.- Get depressed, frustrated and angry about it.
2.- Choose to believe that everything that was happening had a reason (in some weird cosmic way) that would get me to be the best I could be the day that I jumped on stage, because this was precisely what I had asked for.

I chose number 2.


In a certain way I have become a mentor to some people. I did not seek this, but I welcomed the opportunity when this door opened in my life.

I do not know exactly how this works and I do not know why we meet the people we meet, all I know is that they are in our lives for a reason.

I got someone in my life right now that I believe needs my help. I have tried and said everything that I could come up with, but I am running out of options and ideas.

Again, I have 2 choices here:
1.- Become angry and frustrated at this person and myself and give up.
2.- Remain calm, separate my personal emotions and keep trying every single day with every single idea that comes into my mind.

I have chosen number 2.

So, the fact that things go wrong and it makes you feel powerless is not such a bad thing. Feeling powerless humbles you and reminds you that having control over your life, situations and people is a mere illusion that can be taken away from you any time and all is left for you is a choice on how to view the experience.

So, become powerless and deal with it. ts part of the journey.


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