FRIDAY the 13th and I made it!

I made another week. This week felt a little harder. Maybe it was those changes in the meal plan, or maybe because today is Friday and every Friday my body is just feeling the accumulation of work and workout hours from the week. Who knows.

During the week I kept thinking about my mom. If she was to be here for my competition how she would love to do my hair and make-up and how I would have loved for her to be here. But she won't, she is in Mexico and won't be here until July. However, 2 people that are very close to me have decided to be there for me in the morning, the day of my show and be my mom :). I felt an immense amount of joy and thankfulness when I found out about this. I love it!

The whole week I kept crossing my fingers in hopes of getting a "cheat meal" this weekend. My brother is coming to stay at our house this weekend and I would love to have the chance to enjoy with him a delicious meal. I just sent my assessment pictures. It is a day early than what I usually do, but I can't stop thinking about the cheat meal possibility, so I might as well know as soon as possible. It is all up to THE COACH.

I hope I get it, hamburger, subway, pasta, mh! I probably won't find out until tomorrow. The only good think that can come out of this obsession right now is that I will probably dream with food. This is actually pretty awesome, because I can actually taste it it my dreams and find a little comfort in that experience.

Today I had a killer shoulder workout. I kept fighting off taking a nap after I got home from work, but I am so wired to being a working machine both at work and on my workouts that I am finding it tough to cut myself some slack. It was a nice sunny afternoon, but still too cold to hang outside for my liking, perfect for a nap. I remember thinking how silly it was of me to kept fighting it off, especially feeling tired and hungry. So I did, I finally allowed myself to forget a bit about all my ToDo's.



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