Regaining Integrity

INTEGRITY: The act of honoring one's word. If you said that you would do something, whether it is to yourself or to someone else, getting it done, regardless of any possible situation that you may encounter.

As you have probably noticed, during the past couple of weeks there has been little to no activity on Transformation Journeys and I feel like I have failed to my commitment of writing a minimum of 1 weekly article in hopes of helping others in their current journeys, and this feeling haunts me.

If I list for you the reasons that led me to not fulfill my commitment I feel like I am traveling back in time to the time when I could list the reasons for not committing to achieve my fitness goals.

To regain my integrity I am recommitting to provide a weekly update from today and until the day of my show on May 13th.

Today my body looks and feels amazing. Unexpectedly, I am experiencing an incredible boost of energy and for the past 5 workouts I have been breaking records like a machine. This is completely an unexpected surprise, because I keep hearing that usually your last 3 weeks on a contest prep you are likely to experience a fight with your body.

On the other hand, my mind is tired. Yesterday, even though I did not work for the full length of time, I pulled my first and hopefully last 15 hour work shift.

This past Easter weekend did not feel like a long weekend at all. However I do not regret this. My husband and I spent the day alongside Lynn (one of our previous success story features) helping her cross the finish line of her 1 year journey towards achieving a life that she loves. Lynn looked like a million bucks at the UFE Spring Bash this past Saturday. (pictures and interview to come soon)

My mind is tired. I have a list of 50 things to do. Strangely I do not feel overwhelmed by this, but excited as I keep going through them. My only pain comes from the evident need to sleep as I run out of hours in the day.

As I move forward the only way I am managing to keep my mental sanity is dealing with one day at a time and one point from the To Do List at a time.

This is it for today.



  1. Hi,
    I have a quick question about your blog, do you think you could email me?


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